18 Product Source Goldmine Databases

18 Product Source Goldmine Databases




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Quick Overview

Category : Software
File Size : 32938 KB

This product is inclusive of ready made web site allowing you to resell this software instantly. Additional items such as graphics, marketing articles, promotional text and other items may also included with the package as well.
A database consists of a set of records. Each record has data in it. For example, a database of hotels would list a different hotel`s information (the data) in each record. The structure of a database refers to the general field names for each data element that compose each record.
Guide To Using Product Source Goldmine Databases - This ebook takes you step by step through putting your database to use. For example it shows you how to convert them to PDF products, complete with clickable links (where applicable), how to install them on your server, how to put them into a spreadsheet, etc. Plus, as an extra added bonus, when you sell a database you can include this guide with the sale.
Each database you may have received with this document has a structure and that structure could be different for each database (some databases may have the same structure also). The purpose of this guide is to give you some assistance with manipulating the databases - With this guide you have probably received one or more ".sql" files, also referred to later in this guide as "data files." These are the actual databases.