How To Create A Picture eBook With Photos In Word

How To Create A Picture eBook With Photos In Word




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Category : Ebooks
File Size : 14819 KB

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Introducing .... How To Create A Picture eBook With Photos In Word ......

File : Private Label Rights

Brief Note :

An eBook is an abbreviation of "electronic book" - a book or any text, poetry, short story etc that is saved in digital form and made available to read on electronic devices like a laptop or desktop computer, a handheld computer, a smartphone or a dedicated eReading device, like a NOOK or a Kindle.

With constant ventures appearing in the field of technology, reading and writing a book is no longer limited to libraries and publishers. Self-Publishers are very commonplace in online bookstores like Amazon, because of the introduction of the eBook. Although an eBook is a digital format and it is not printed, you can easily have your eBook set to print-on-demand for a low set up cost, with companies like or, if you wanted to sell your eBook in hard copy as well in digital format.

The eBook has made book creation much simpler than it was in the olden days.Now, you can easily create your own eBook at home, work or anywhere you please, and anyone can do it, you dont have to wait for a large publishing company to pick up your project anymore.

While some people like their books all wordy and technical, others enjoy reading an eBook thats full of pictures and colours. Another reason behind the increased popularity of picture eBooks is their ability to teach and inform people through images rather than just words. Plus, picture eBooks are also helpful in teaching kids about a fact or a place.

Children these days are maturing quickly and display the desire to use modern technology more and more. Therefore, creating a picture eBook can help them understand things and stories at a higher level.

The Table of Contents of this ebook are as follows :

- Introduction
- Picture Book Considerations
- Publishing Considerations
- Creating a Cover Page
- Images for your Cover & eBook
- Publishing Options
- Sourcing Original Artwork for Picture eBooks
- Formatting Your Text
- For PDF
- Conclusion