Click Magnet

Click Magnet




You Save 400.00


Quick Overview

Category : Software
File Size : 405 KB

This product include of ready made web site allowing you to resell this software instatly. Additional items such as graphics, marketing articles, promotional text and other items may also included with the package as well.

Click Magnet! With the Click Magnet software you will be able to place unobtrusive ads on you website with ease. And your Click Magnet ad stays with your visitor as they scroll down the page, (as you can see on the bottom right corner of this page) keeping your offer there at all times. Plus Click Magnet makes it easy to make and customize your ad . . . Just look at the features of the Click Magnet software:

You can choose text or image ads and link to any page or site. (you can see a text add example by clicking on the Click Magnet ad to your right-Just click that ad to come back here).

Choose your ad placement (upper left, upper right, lower left or lower right) and size.

Choose text special effects ( 3D, Glow or Plain Text) and text color.

Special preview mode lets you see your ads look and layout before you put it on your site.