Im Pop Up

Im Pop Up




You Save 400.00


Quick Overview

Category : Software
File Size : 18297 KB

This product is inclusive of ready made web site allowing you to resell this software instantly. Additional items such as graphics, marketing articles, promotional text and other items may also included with the package as well.

IM Popup - Vital Statistics...

* Quickly and Easily Create Unblockable Popups (Even if you know nothing about HTML)
* 20 Built-In Templates, Customizable and Ready-to-Go
* Create Delayed Popups for Maximum Effect
* Deploy "Exit Pops" to Grab Attention Before Visitors Leave for Good
* Embed Affiliate Links Directly Into Popups
* Fade-Out the Page Behind the Popup ("LightBox Effect")
* Works in All the Major Browsers (Even Safari on the Mac!).
* Simple & Easy Desktop Software
* Requires Windows (XP, ME, or Vista)

NOTE: You must be able to upload ("FTP") files to your site for the popups to appear on your web page(s)