Auto Tweet Generator

Auto Tweet Generator




You Save 1,000.00


Quick Overview

Category : Scripts
File Size : 265 KB

Note: Readymade sales page is included with this product, additional relevant product materials such as sales graphics, product eCover, editable .psd files, Wordpress theme, adsense niche site and etc may included with the product.

Introducing Auto Tweet Generator!

Auto Tweet Generator is a small php script you can use to automatically tweet your messages for you every day. It`s the autoresponder for your Twitter account! You install it in about 5 minutes then login and setup your messages and your Twitter account is now sending your followers valuable content on autopilot!

You can generate an infinite number of these automatic "tweets" and put them to work for you to build up your raving fan base! All you have to do is upload 3 files to your server and it`s ready to go. It`s so easy to do, even a caveperson (being politically correct) can do it! :)

Once you have "ATG" installed, it will only take about 30 seconds to get going. And not to worry, full video directions are provided!

"If You Can Click, Copy, and Paste, You Can Use "Auto Tweet Generator!"

Step By Step Video Tutorial Included

Setup Takes About 5 Minutes

Create Unlimited Tweets To Go Out On Autopilot For You.. Days, Weeks, Even Years In Advance!

Build An Army Of Loyal Followers That Will Thank You By Re-Tweeting Your Messages!

You Own It!

No Monthly Fees!

Setup Is Easy And I`ll Show You How With A Step By Step Video!

Create Your Database And Username

Edit 1 File

Setup Your Cron Job

Upload 3 Files


That`s it, you`re done! Now all you do is just setup your tweets and watch your "Twitter Love" start to spread.. increasing your profits over time!