This product include of full web site allowing you to sell this product instantly. This product also includes of all other material such as psd files, marketing letter, videos, advertisement text, ready made email letter, articles for use to submit to articles directory, ready made description for submission to web directory, promotional text and many more.
In this ground-breaking book you`re about to download, you`ll learn everything you need to know to quickly, easily and inexpensively get set up for podcasting & vlogging and even begin broadcasting your message today if you like! No fluff-filled 6-pager, this amazing resource is packed with over 40 pages of solid content including...
Podcasting & Vlogging Basics:
What are Podcasting & Video Blogging?
What is the Difference between them?
What is RSS?
What is the Purpose?
Your Basic Action List
Start Podcasting:
The Podcasting Tools You Need
Writing & Planning Your Podcast Content
Recording Your Podcast
Editing Your Podcast
Using ID3 Tags for Your Podcast
Hosting Your Podcast
Uploading Your Podcast
Podcast Promotion
Podcasting Action List
Start Video Blogging:
The Video Tools You Need
Selecting Your Blog Host and Domain
Planning Your Video
Shooting Your Video
Editing Your Video
File Format Selection and Uploading
Promoting Your Video Blog
Video Blogging Action List